Adobe Update Server Sync Issues

I was setting up an Adobe Update Server using the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool, and it was just not working. It kept failing with error codes 2 and 4 in the console. I was pretty sure that it was our proxy that was causing the grief.

I opened procmon and monitored the AUSST tool, I found that it was not even attempting to use the proxy. I checked the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeUpdaterServerSetupTool.log but only found what the console was telling me. General network issues. In procmon however, I seen it was writing to a C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\CreativeCloud\ACC\AdobeDownload\DLM.log. The console does not tell you about it however. I opened that one up and got a little further, though not much. It did give a better error then just network issues though. This time it gave me “failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine” along with error 12180. If you look up 12180, it largely repeats the last error, just that the proxy settings failed. Finally out of desperation I was changing the proxy settings manually and found that, if “Auto Detect” was checked in your proxy settings, then AUSST would just give up proxy, whether you have a pac file, or manually entered proxy settings or not.

I immediately ran into another issue. This one was a bit easier to troubleshoot. It was still failing to download files, but at least it actually made connections. In AdobeUpdaterServerSetupTool.log I seen “Failed to download icons”, “Failed to complete migration” and “Internal error occurred”. Now that I knew about the DLM.log, I checked that too. That was spitting out error 12175. This was again more helpful than the AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.log’s output. If you look that error up, it roughly translates to SSL error occurred. I popped open WireShark and decided to see if I could find any handshake errors or anything else. I did not, but I did find the URL of the file that the machine was attempting to contact. I put that URL directly into Internet Explorer and immediately was met with a SSL trust error. The Root certificate for Adobe was not installed on the machine. I imported the cert and tool started working after that.


If you get general network type errors in AdobeUpdaterServerSetupTool.log and error 12180/”failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine” in the DLM.log, uncheck “Auto Detect” in your proxy settings

If you get http security/12175 in DLM.log and possibly “Failed to download icons”, “Failed to complete migration” and “Internal error occurred” in AdobeUpdaterServerSetupTool.log, ensure you don’t have any issues trusting Adobe’s cert chain used on their update server.

Update: I had an additional issue with our update server. You can read it and some general client-side troubleshooting steps in this post.