Deploy Updates via SCCM 2016 PowerShell cmdlets

I have found very few examples on how to use the SCCM PowerShell cmdlets to deploy updates. Maybe someone will find this example useful. The following script will search the update catalog for relevant updates, add them to a Software Update Group, create a Software Update Package, download the updates contained in the Software Update Group into the Software Update Package and distribute them to a distribution point group. Then optionally, you can deploy it to a collection of machines afterwards.

Command run down

The commands specifically relating to SCCM are:

Get-CMSoftwareUpdate # Lists available updates from SCCM catalog
New-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup  # Creates a new Software Update Group
New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage # Creates a Software Update Package
Save-CMSoftwareUpdate # Downloads updates into a Deployment Package
Start-CMContentDistribution # Distributes downloaded content to Distribution Points

The Script

Param($SoftwareUpdateSource="\\YourShare\PathTo\SCCMSupSource", $DistributionGroup="All Distribution Points")#, $CollectionName = "All Systems") #Uncomment this if you also want to deploy to a collection as the last step 

#Used in creating update group name
$Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

#Grab all updates in the catalog
$UpdateCatalog = Get-CMSoftwareUpdate -Fast

#Filter out the updates we don't need
#Specifically, this filter will pull Updates created in the last 31 days that are not deployed, expired, or superseded that are not preview updates and SCCM has confirmed at least 25 machines require them
$Updates = Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.DateCreated -gt [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-31) -and $_.IsDeployed -eq $false -and $_.LocalizedDisplayName.Contains("Preview") -eq $false -and $_.IsExpired -eq $false -and $_.IsSuperseded -eq $false -and $_.NumMissing -gt 25}

#We only need the update IDs. Newer powershell will automatically loop through each update and pull the CI_ID properties into an array with this line
$UpdateIDs = $Updates.CI_ID 

#Now we create the software update group
New-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup -Name "Security Updates $Date" -UpdateId $UpdateIDs

#Create a new folder in the Sup Source directory to contain package files
New-Item -Path "filesystem::$SoftwareUpdateSource\$Date" -ItemType Directory

#Create the deployment package
New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage -Name "Security Updates $Date" -Path "$SoftwareUpdateSource\$Date"

#Download the software update group to the deployment package
Save-CMSoftwareUpdate -SoftwareUpdateGroupName "Security Updates $Date" -DeploymentPackageName "Security Updates $Date" 

#And finally distribute it to your Distribution Points
Start-CMContentDistribution -DeploymentPackageName "Security Updates $Date"-DistributionPointGroupName "$DistributionGroup"

#After this you would deploy, if you want to automate that, look into the following. You will likely want/need to customize this portion.
#See "Get-Help Start-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment" for more options 
<# Start-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment -AcceptEula -AllowRestart $true -AllowUseMeteredNetwork $true ` -CollectionName $CollectionName -DeploymentAvailableTime ([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(1)) ` -DeploymentName "Security Updates $Date - $CollectionName" -DeploymentType Required -Description "Automatic updates" ` -DownloadFromMicrosoftUpdate $false ` -EnforcementDeadline ([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(8)) ` -ProtectedType RemoteDistributionPoint -RestartServer $false -RestartWorkstation $true -SoftwareInstallation $true ` -SoftwareUpdateGroupName "Security Updates $Date" -TimeBasedOn LocalTime -UnprotectedType NoInstall -UseBranchCache $true ` -UserNotification DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly #>

See also

Googling for SCCM PowerShell cmdlets usually returns a link to the SCCM 2012 R2 library of cmdlets on technet. I managed to find the latest SCCM 2016 cmdlet references at