
Code Release

This script is intended to assist in SCCM deployments of optional printers. The intended effect is to allow a user to open Software Center or the SCCM Application Catalog and click an option such as “Map me to XXX Printer”, and have the printer, port, and driver all install automatically.


DriverName <Object> The name of the printer driver as defined in the INF file.
DriverInf <Object> Full path to the Driver INF file
DriverPath <Object> Path to the folder containing the driver files. (Default is the INF directory)
PrinterIP <Object> IP of the printer to map
PrinterPort <Object> Printer’s connection port. Default is 9100
PrinterPortName <Object> Name of the printer port. Defaults to “IP_<IP>”
PrinterCaption <Object> Name of the printer
Remove [<SwitchParameter>] Removes the specified printer instead of installing it
DriverOnly [<SwitchParameter>] Only installs the printer driver. Does not attempt to create the port or printer
AllSteps [<SwitchParameter>] Performs Driver install followed by the port and printer mappings. (Default without this and driver only is to only map a printer)
WriteLog [<SwitchParameter>] Writes Debug data to a log file. (Default is true)
RemoveAll [<SwitchParameter>] Removes all mapped printers. (You may need to run this once as the user, and once as an admin for full effect)
AdditionalRemovalExclusions <Object> When used with RemoveAll, prevents the removal of listed printers. By default, Send to One Note, and FAX are excluded.


PowerShell Script

To add a printer:

&"" -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -PrinterIP ""

To add a driver:

&"" -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -DriverInf "\\Drivers\Xerox\7845\Driver.inf" -DriverOnly

To remove a printer and also disable logging

&"" Install-Printer.ps1 -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -Remove -WriteLog:$false

To install a driver and then map a printer (Note that, in general, only administrators have the permissions to successfully use the script this way)

&"" -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -DriverInf "\\Drivers\Xerox\7845\Driver.inf" -PrinterIP "" -AllSteps

To remove all printers, or a selection of printers

&"" -RemoveAll -AdditionalRemovalExclusions @("My Printer", "Send by E-mail printer")

SCCM Usage

To install a printer from SCCM, do the following.

  1. Create an application package for your driver. This can be an executable install or an INF install. If you are using an INF file, you may use the Install-Printer script to help.
    Example of the Driver Installation Programs Tab
    1. To create an INF file Application deployment. Create a new application deployment. Set the command to
      &"Install-Printer.ps1" -DriverOnly -DriverName '' -DriverINF ''
      Example of the Driver Installation Detect Tab
      Example of the Driver User Experience Tab

      Example of the Driver Installation Detect Script
    2. For the detection method, us the “Driver Detection” script in the “script” section of this page.
  2. Create an application package for your printer.
    1. Create a new Application Deployment. Set the command to “Install-Printer.ps1” -PrinterCaption ‘My Printer’ -DriverName ‘Xerox 7845 PS v4’ -PrinterIP ‘’

      Example of the Printer Installation Programs Tab
    2. Set the detection method to the “Printer Detection” script in the “script” section of this page.

      Example of the Printer Installation Detect Script
    3. Set this package to install for the user.

      Example of the Printer Installation User Experience Tab
    4. Add a requirement that points to the appropriate driver application package that you created earlier.

      Example of the Printer Installation Dependency Tab



    Provides helpfull script to add printers to a machine
    Provides a method to add a printer, driver, and port to a machine
    The name of the printer driver as defined in the INF file.
    Full path to the Driver INF file
    Path to the folder containing the driver files. (Default is the INF directory)
    IP of the printer to map
.PARAMETER PrinterPort
    Printer's connection port. Default is 9100
.PARAMETER PrinterPortName
    Name of the printer port. Defaults to "IP_". If you need to map the printer to a default local port, use the name of the port instead. Such as "FILE:".
.PARAMETER PrinterCaption
    Name of the printer
    Removes the specified printer instead of installing it
    Only installs the printer driver. Does not attempt to create the port or printer
    Performs Driver install followed by the port and printer mappings. (Default without this and driver only is to only map a printer)
    Writes Debug data to a log file. (Default is true)
    Removes all mapped printers. (You may need to run this once as the user, and once as an admin for full effect)
.PARAMETER LocalPrinter
    Specified that the printer is local to the machine. This is needed if mapping a non-network device. (Such as the XPS printer)
.PARAMTER PrinterOnly
    Only maps a printer, does not add a port, nor install a driver.
.PARAMETER AdditionalRemovalExclusions
    When used with RemoveAll, prevents the removal of listed printers. By default, Send to One Note, and FAX are excluded.
    Log file located at C:\Temp\.log
    Install-Printer.ps1 -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -PrinterIP ""
    Install-Printer.ps1 -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -DriverInf "\\Drivers\Xerox\7845\Driver.inf" -DriverOnly
    Install-Printer.ps1 -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -Remove -WriteLog:$false
    Install-Printer.ps1 -PrinterCaption "My Printer" -DriverName "Xerox 7845 PS v4" -DriverInf "\\Drivers\Xerox\7845\Driver.inf" -PrinterIP "" -AllSteps
    Install-Printer.ps1 -RemoveAll -AdditionalRemovalExclusions @("My Printer", "Send by E-mail printer")
    Install-Printer.ps1 -PrinterCaption 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer' -PrinterPortName 'FILE:' -DriverName 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4' -PrinterOnly -LocalPrinter
    Version:        1.3
    Author:         Matthew Thompson
    Creation Date:  2015-12-16
    Purpose/Change: PrinterOnly, and LocalPrinter Features, Printer Removal by IP, Bug fix in event no printers exist and script is run to install one.
    This script was heavily influenced by Kris Powell. (
    [string]$DriverPath={if ($DriverINF -ne $null){(Split-Path $DriverInf)}}, 
#Setup the exclusions for RemoveAll
$Exclusions = @("Fax", "Send To OneNote 2013", "Send To OneNote 2010", "Microsoft XPS Document Writer", "Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4")
#Log File Info
$ScriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath
$LogFile = Join-Path -Path "C:\Windows\Temp" -ChildPath ($ScriptName+".log")
#Do a self-referential lookup to get the script version. As long as the .NOTES section of the file header is up to date and the script is trusted, this should work.
(Get-Help $PSCommandPath -Full -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).alertset.alert.Text -match "^\s*Version\s*:\s*[\w\d\.\,]*" | Out-Null
if ($matches-ne$null-and$matches.Count-ge1)
    $Version = $matches[0] -replace "^\s*Version\s*:\s*",""
#Write log data
$Log+="Version: "+$Version+"`r`n"
#Write Parameters to log
$PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object -Process {$Log+=("`""+$_+"`" = `""+$PSBoundParameters[$_]+"`"`r`n")}
#Creates a printer object for the user.
function Create-Printer
        $Printers = @()
        $Printers += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Printer"
        [string]$Log="Installed Printers ("+$Printers.Length.ToString()+") `r`n"
        $Printers | ForEach-Object -Process {$Log+=$_.Name+"`r`n"}
        if ($Printers.Length -eq 0 -or ($Printers.Name).Contains($PrinterCaption) -eq $false)
            $Log+="Attempting to create printer`r`n"
            $Instance = Set-WmiInstance -Class "Win32_Printer" -Arguments @{Caption = $PrinterCaption;DriverName = $DriverName;PortName = $PrinterPortName;DeviceID = $PrinterCaption;Network = (-not $Local)} -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($Instance -ne $null)
                $Log+= "Printer Created`r`n"+$Instance.ToString()+"`r`n"
                $Log+="Install attempted, but printer null`r`n"
        $Log+= "Printer Exists: "+(($Printers.Name).Contains($PrinterCaption)).ToString()+"`r`n"
    return $Log
#Installs a driver from an INF file
function Install-Driver
        $Drivers = @()
        $Drivers += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_PrinterDriver"
        if ($Drivers.Length -eq 0 -or -not ($Drivers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like ($DriverName+"*")}))
            $Instance = ([wmiclass]"Win32_PrinterDriver").CreateInstance()
            $Instance.Name = $DriverName
            $Instance.DriverPath = $DriverPath
            $Instance.InfName = $DriverInf
            Invoke-WmiMethod -Class "Win32_PrinterDriver" -Name "AddPrinterDriver" -ArgumentList @($Instance) -Impersonation Impersonate -EnableAllPrivileges | Out-Null
            $Log+= $Instance.ToString()+"`r`n"
            $Log+= ("Driver Exists: "+(($Drivers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like ($DriverName+"*")})).ToString())+"`r`n"
    return $Log
#Creates a printer port required to map a printer
function Create-PrinterPort 
        $PrinterPorts = @()
        $PrinterPorts += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort"
        if ($PrinterPorts.Length -eq 0 -or -not ($PrinterPorts.Name).Contains($PrinterPortName))
            $Instance = Set-WmiInstance -Class "Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort" -Arguments @{Name = $PrinterPortName;HostAddress = $PrinterIP;PortNumber = $PrinterPort;SNMPEnabled = $false;Protocol = 1}
            $Log+=  $Instance.ToString()+"`r`n"
            $Log+= ("Printer Port Exists: "+(($PrinterPorts.Name).Contains($PrinterPortName)).ToString())+"`r`n"
    return $Log
function Get-PrinterPort
    $ToReturn = @()
        $PrinterPorts = @()
        $PrinterPorts += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort"
        if ($PrinterPorts.Length -eq 0 -or -not ($PrinterPorts.HostAddress).Contains($IP))
            #$Instance = Set-WmiInstance -Class "Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort" -Arguments @{Name = $PrinterPortName;HostAddress = $PrinterIP;PortNumber = $PrinterPort;SNMPEnabled = $false;Protocol = 1}
            $Log+= "No Printer Port exists matching $IP"
            $ToReturn = $PrinterPorts | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.HostAddress -eq $IP}
            $Log+= ("Printer Port Exists: "+(($PrinterPorts.Name).Contains($PrinterPortName)).ToString())+"`r`n"
    return $ToReturn
#Deletes an already mapped printer
function Delete-Printer
    Param($PrinterName, $IP)
        $Printers = @()
        $Printers += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Printer"
        if ($PrinterName -ne $null)
            $Printers = $Printers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $PrinterName}
        elseif ($IP -ne $null)
            $Ports = Get-PrinterPort -IP $IP
            $NewPrinterList = @()
            foreach ($Port in $Ports)
                $NewPrinterList += $Printers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.PortName -eq $Port.Name}
            $Printers = $NewPrinterList
            $Log+="No parameters specified to limit removal. No printers removed"
            return $Log
        foreach($Printer in $Printers)
            $Printer.Delete() | Out-Null
            $Log+= $Printer.Name+" deleted`r`n"
    return $Log
#Script Entry
if ($Remove)
    Write-Host "Removing $PrinterCaption"
    #Remove a printer selected
    $Log+=Delete-Printer -PrinterName $PrinterCaption -IP $PrinterIP
    #Remove most printers
    $Printers = @()
    $Printers += Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Printer" | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Exclusions.Contains($_.Name) -eq $false}
    if ($Printers.Length -gt 0)
        Write-Host ("Attempting to remove "+$Printers.Length+" printers. You may need to run this script once as admin, and once as the user for all printers to be removed.")
        foreach($Printer in $Printers)
            $Log+=(Delete-Printer -PrinterName $Printer.Name)+"`r`n"
        Write-Host "No printers require removal."
    #Install a printer
    if ($DriverOnly -or $AllSteps)
        #Install the printer Driver
        Write-Host "Installing $DriverName"
        $Log+=(Install-Driver -DriverName $DriverName -DriverPath $DriverPath -DriverInf $DriverInf)+"`r`n"
    if (-not $DriverOnly -and -not $PrinterOnly)
        #Output for user visibility
        Write-Host "Mapping printer ($PrinterCaption) from IP $PrinterIP"
        #Add the printer port
        $Log+=(Create-PrinterPort -PrinterIP $PrinterIP -PrinterPort $PrinterPort -PrinterPortName $PrinterPortName)+"`r`n"
        #Finally, create the printer
        $Log+=(Create-Printer -PrinterCaption $PrinterCaption -PrinterPortName $PrinterPortName -DriverName $DriverName -Local $LocalPrinter)+"`r`n"
    if ($PrinterOnly)
        #Output for user visibility
        Write-Host "Mapping printer ($PrinterCaption) from port $PrinterPortName"
        $Log+=(Create-Printer -PrinterCaption $PrinterCaption -PrinterPortName $PrinterPortName -DriverName $DriverName -Local $LocalPrinter)+"`r`n"
#Write the log to a file
if ($WriteLog)
    $Log | Out-file $LogFile
    Write-Verbose $Log

Driver Detection

Edit the “lt;DriverName>” Portion of the script below with the name of your driver. Then add the script into SCCM as your script-based detection method for the INF driver installation.

#Note that this script is not perfect, you may need to change the detection method if you have multiple similiarly named drivers.
$DriverName = "" #Replace this with your driver name
$Drivers = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_PrinterDriver"
if (($Drivers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like ($DriverName+"*")}))
    Write-Host "Driver already installed"
exit 0

Printer Detection

Edit the “<PrinterName>” portion of the script below with your own printer name. Then add this to your printer deployment as the script-based detection method.

$PrinterCaption = "" #Change this to your printer name
$Printers = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Printer"
if (($Printers.Name).Contains($PrinterCaption))
    Write-Host "Printer already installed"
exit 0

Remove-Printer (Interactive Printer Removal Tool)

This must be placed in the same directory as Install-Printer.ps1 This will present a user with a list of printers to exclude. The user can then select a printer by inputting it’s number. If they do, it will be excluded. Once finished, the script will remove all other printers.

<# .SYNOPSIS Interactively assists a user in removing printers .DESCRIPTION Interactively assists a user in removing printers .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Matthew Thompson Creation Date: 2017-01-08 Purpose/Change: Updated for Blog #>
#Printers to exclude by default
$Exclusions = @("Fax", "Send To OneNote 2013", "Send To OneNote 2010")
#Grab a list of printers
$Printers = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Printer" | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Exclusions.Contains($_.Name) -eq $false}
#Stores additional exclusions by user
#Infinite loop (Breaks out with user interaction)
    Write-Host "Printers to remove:"
    #Print all non excluded printers for user to browse
    $NonExcluded += $Printers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$AdditionalExclusions.Contains($_.Name) -eq $false}
    for($I=0;$I -lt $NonExcluded.Length;$I++)
        Write-Host ($I.ToString()+") "+$NonExcluded[$I].Name)
    #Ask user to exlude another printer or continue
    $UInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Please select a printer to exclude or type `"f`" to finish"
    if ($UInput.ToLower() -eq "f")
        #On continue, break out of infinite loop
    #Otherwise matching selected index to printer, and add.
    if ([int]::TryParse($UInput, [ref]$UIndex) -and $UIndex -ge 0 -and $UIndex -lt $NonExcluded.Length)
        #In case someone can't type a number
        Write-Host "Input could not be parsed, please try again"
#Call the parent script with the selected exclusions
Write-Host "Removing printers"
&".\Install-Printer.ps1" -RemoveAll -AdditionalRemovalExclusions $AdditionalExclusions -WriteLog